- Running from the sky: Darkness Visible (12/16/2024)
- If I can find hope in the fading light..(12/14/2024)
- Fiction in the Space Between III: A Reaction to an excellent story in the Chronicle of Higher Education and The Assembly NC (8/28/2024)
- Fiction in the space between II: you use data but it doesn't mean, you're not just telling stories (July 25, 2024)
- July 1 2024- an absence appreciated (7/2/2024)
- They call it paradise, I don't know why. If you call someplace paradise, must you kiss it goodbye? (6/17/2024)
- Fiction in the Space Between (6/12/2024)
- Reflections on the last day of classes and words from the provost and the chancellor (4/25/2024)
- The UNCG Faculty voted no confidence in the Provost: How did the chancellor respond? (3/14/2023)
- Short Response to the UNCG Chancellor's email regarding the budget situation. (3/12/2024)
- Chancellor's Response on March 8th: who put a fence around common ground? (3/8/2024)
- Why I will vote yes on the resolution(s) expressing no confidence in the provost's leadership (2/20/24)
- Warriors for change vs the armies of the status quo: this narrative has to change. (2/12/2024)
- Universities fear for the future. Leadership fears the wisdom of those inside (a song) (2/02/2024)
- A case study in how not to lead change: UNCG's Academic Portfolio Review (rpk style) (2/1/2024)
- Structural Budget Deficits vs. Actual Deficits (1/10/2024)
- “It is time we face reality, my friends, that we are not exactly rocket scientists: the ballad of academic portfolio review”- 11/29/2023
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- "It's Time for Time" part 2: Why do I feel so guilty and frustrated about protecting time? (4/1/2023)
- “My email conversation with a consultant.” (3/20/2023).
- “An open letter to the UNCG faculty senate and to faculty colleagues: it's time to pay attention” (1/27/2023)
- “A Yin/Yang day: a 50th anniversary and 2nd anniversary of major transitions in my life” (12/22/2022)
- “Grades don't define your flight path” (12/10/2023).
- A Devil's Marathon and the Academic Rhythm (12/10/2023)
- The holidays aren't always fun and restorative (12/10/2022)
- “Tribalism trumps (no pun intended)” (11/13/2022)
- " I voted today-- a lot went through my mind” (10/26/2022)
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- Tales from my journey from faculty to senior administrator and back again: what matters? (10/12/2022).
- “Reality vs. Reflection” (10/12/2022)
- “Reflections on 1 Tishri 5783” (9/26/2022)
- “It’s Time for Time!” (8/10/2022)
- “Why do many public universities obfuscate the costs of doing externally sponsored research?” (8/1/2022)
- “Time: a limited or infinite resource?” (7/08/2022)
- “When will we ever learn?” (7/11/2022).
- “Thank you, David Brooks: Caring matters” (7/11/2022)
“I discuss leadership, an ecosystem model for a University, and an ecosystem test for making resource allocation decisions with Dean Matt Waller of the Walton College of Business at U. Arkansas” (6/11/2022)